Re-reading a Good Book

Re-reading a book feels like visiting your old-self, it feels very nostalgic and you can feel how much you have grown. At least that’s what I felt when I read Lucy & Linh again.

I think we can agree that growing up is a difficult journey. Finding your voices, values, and what you stand for surely are no easy feat. It is especially difficult when you are in high school, where you have so much people you want to please and the urge to fit in with the cool crowds is huge.

In Lucy & Linh, we follo

Back Pain and How It Affects Our Lives

I'm sure that most of us have been told, at least once in our lives, that we should stand up straight, and as much as we hate it, it's true. We have to sit up straight.

The posture itself is the position in which you hold your body when standing or sitting. Just like how there is no perfect body, there is no perfect posture. Good posture is not just about looking taller. It is when your muscles, ligaments, and joints are aligned so it helps to maintain your balance. By holding your body the rig

Internships at Shopee: What You Should Know

Shopee is a multinational e-commerce giant from Singapore. Phone cases, groceries, cat food, refrigerator, and fancy ceramics, you name it, they have it. As the current number #1 app with the highest average monthly active users in the shopping category (Indonesia), there are lots of people who wish to work here. On Monday, June 21st, 2021, EDSA UNAIR held a webinar with Shopee Indonesia. Speaker Alvia Anjani, who comes from the Shopee HR team, shared her insights on careers at Shopee and what i

Inclusivity in Education

Inclusivity is an important value in education. Indonesia has guaranteed its citizens to obtain an education. However, more than 50% of kids with special needs (Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus) in Jawa Timur did not go to school and only a small percentage went to Inclusive School. More often than not, schools still separate between disabled and non-disabled, and even then, separate special needs schools generally have specific target impairments such as blind and deaf. People with disabilities are often overlooked in policymaking, making them prone to facing barriers to education stemming from those discrimination and stigma

A Visit to Gili Ketapang

12th grade strees is coming, so me and my friends decided to celebrate that and have some fun while we can! Gili Ketapang is a small island in Probolinggo. I forgot how much we paid (but I’m sure it was less than Rp100.000,00) for a whole day tour. This includes transportation (from the train station in Probolinggo, the train tickets were not included), lunch, the boats (to get to the island), and for some underwater pics. For privacy reason I will not be posting pictures with our faces hehe i h